What is AFP2web?

AFP2web® is a digital transformation solution that you can use in combination with our cloud solution OXS.eco, or simply as stand-alone software. Your document and print formats can be converted to modern formats such as PDF™, HTML5 and image formats at will and in any direction, with color or even black and white. On-the-fly conversions (ad hoc, spontaneous conversions) from small document sets to single documents are supported as well as for millions of print documents (AFP™, PDF™, etc.).

Regardless of whether you only want to archive or send the documents, subsequent processes such as electronic dispatch or postal dispatch can be mapped by our solution. AFP2web® analyzes, separates, classifies, indexes, modifies, and converts your documents and information of any format, type, and content for all electronic and physical output channels, such as AFP™ spool for printing, HTML5 for mobile device display, PDF™ for emailing, or PDF/A™ for archiving. Extraction of indexes and other search criteria as well as extraction of business data for your applications are further possibilities of using our product.

AFP2web® converts to PDF/UA, so your PDF-Files are compliant to the european standard EN 301 549. The conversion reflects the attributes of Universal Accessibility (UA) in your source files.

for more information about OXS.eco click here

In the past

In the last 20 years, we have not met a format that we could not process with our transformation solution AFP2web®. You can define/describe the format rules and the data extraction rules as you wish using an integrated language -the Scripting Facility. AFP2web® is easy for developers to integrate into any infrastructure. It does not matter whether the software is installed on your computer or in our data center.

The integrated language

The Scripting Facility is the interface that allows you to customize the behavior of the AFP2web® transformation solution. AFP2web® disassembles the input document and allows to access all document objects via the integrated language. Therefore, you can use the built-in language to rebuild the document page and make changes, such as in the layout. You formulate the processing rules for your documents using script modules. To use the Scripting Facility, you only need to start AFP2web® with the Scripting Facility and provide the processing rules.

Typical application scenarios for AFP2web® are:

With our transformation solution AFP2web® you no longer have to worry about the format in which you send or print a document. AFP2web® converts all common formats to the desired or required formats so that they can be displayed or printed.

HTML5: Hypertext Markup Language Revision 5 Source
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
XML: Extensible Markup Language 
JSON: Java Script Object Notation
TIFF: Tagged Image File Format 
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
LPD: Line Print Data
PDF/UA: Portable Document Format / Universal Accessability
PDF/A: Portable Document Format Accessible
AFP: Advanced Function Presentation
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group
PNG: Portable Network Graphic Format
MMD: Mixed Mode Data
EBCDIC: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange

AFP2web® prepares formatted documents and information for production printing so that the documents to be printed can be further processed in the required format.

With on-the-fly conversion, individual documents can be quickly and effectively prepared for document viewing.

High-volume printing:
AFP2web® is arbitrarily scalable and perfectly suited for different order volumes. High-volume print jobs are easy to execute with AFP2web® and do not degrade your system’s processing power.

AFP2web® is the unique product for converting digital documents and print data streams. The basic version converts IBM® AFP™ data into PDF™ documents. Suitable AFP2web® options are available for all other important input and output formats. IBM® mainframe users are supported in archiving incoming mail and viewing, distributing, printing and archiving outgoing mail by AFP2web®.

Unique Selling Points (USP) of AFP2web® are:

With AFP2web® you achieve high performance (computing power) in processing your documents and information. In both transaction and batch processing (batch = batch), high computing power is possible with AFP2web®.

Legacy and Integration:
AFP2web® connects your existing systems (legacy) to modern communication channels whether used by mobile devices or desktop. Your documents can be sent by email or SMS, they can be used within web self-service, social networks, smartphone apps and others, and they reflect the attributes of Universal Accessibility (UA).. AFP2web® can be easily and smoothly integrated into your existing IT structure and established processes. It doesn’t require much effort, because AFP2web® adapts to your processes and IT structures, whether as “out of the box” or as a service component of our cloud solution OXS.eco.

Our E-Billing-Solutions with AFP2web® are compliant to the European electronic invoice standard EN 16931. The transformation solution accepts invoices of non-conform format and will result in hybrid eInvoice format ZUGFerD 2.2 or compliant Factur-X-Invoice.

for more information about OXS.eco click here

Configuration Effort:
Since AFP2web® adapts to existing workflows and IT structures, you can use and work with AFP2web® without much configuration effort.

If you would like more information, please let us know and we will provide you with the requested information. Simply send us an e-mail to sales@maas.de .

You want to test AFP2web® in advance?

Then request an AFP2web® test and evaluation version here, free of charge and without obligation. You will receive this test and evaluation version by e-mail.

Do you have questions about your existing product?

If you have any technical questions about our transformation solution AFP2web®, just send an email to our support team, which you can reach at support@maas.de.

You would like to talk to us personally?

If you prefer a personal phone call, you can reach us at 0711 779 17 77 and tell us your questions, suggestions or concerns!

You want to order AFP2web®?

If you have any questions about purchasing AFP2web®, simply email our sales department at sales@maas.de can be reached. As soon as we receive your order, we will contact you as soon as possible.

General information

We have also reproduced our FAQs here for you to read. There are listed the most frequently asked questions of our customers and their appropriate answers.

How to reach us…

We are happy to assist you at any time with advice and support!

by phone or e-mail By mail
Fon: 0711 779 170 Maas Holding GmbH
Fax: 0711 779 1717 Egartenstr. 7/1
Mail:info@maas.de 70794 Filderstadt

Directly from here…
Use our contact form and we will get back to you shortly.